Wednesday, September 3, 2008

"So did I ever tell you how you were born?"

I'm at the hospital right now. No, not now. Today.

I spent the morning chilling with our RPh who reviews adverse drug reactions and medication error reporting. Unfortunately ( i think) our hospital's error reporting system is on the same system that you'd report "patient safety events". And by patient safety events, I don't mean MI's or strokes, or whatever. I mean angry grandparents and stupid visitors slipping on wet floors and occasionally, complaints about how your child was born. strange? read on.

So the pharmacist was browsing through the list of "events" and found a curious labor story. A mother to be was in labor at the L&D department. Started labor, started pushing, nothing came out. Nurses (doctors?) thought it'd be a good idea to let her sit on the toilet and "practice pushing". Because, of course, it's too early for the baby to pop out right? WRONG. Lo and behold, after two little pushes, precious baby popped out...into the toilet bowl! Oh, CRAP!

found under suggested improvements to avoid event: Have assisting nurse place hand over perineum (the diamond-shaped patch on a woman's special areas containing the anus and vulva) to help catch anything that may be released. Oh, crap is right.

I love my job.